From the brief: “The main character in Nabokov’s last novel is the corpulent Philip Wild who is preoccupied with his own death and obliterates himself, from the toes upwards, through meditation - a deliberate self-inflicted self-erasure.” The manuscript was published posthumously against the wishes of Nabokov who wanted it burned.

This cover went through a bit of an evolution. The first option showing a map of Mexico was looking flat and uninteresting and wasn’t conveying much of the content of the book. The second had a kind of Tarantino feel to it but was still not conveying a key part of the book.

Part of my ongoing quest  to make Canadian history books more enticing. O.D. Skelton was undersecretary of state for Foreign Affairs under Prime Minister Mackenzie King. Invariably a black and white photograph is supplied. I am now constitutionally incapable of just adding a duotone effect.

Cloth stamping for a recent cover.

Book deals with myth and reality of Canadian muliculturalism.

Number 4 in this series.

Schweitzer and his crazy eyebrows.

From the brief: The subject of the book is the origins in the 1920s of the first and most influential of the twentieth century's theories about how to read English poetry. Among other things, it required readers to be aware of all the meanings and uses every word in a poem ever had.

AAUP 2013

6 of my covers were selected for the AAUP (American Association of University Presses) Book, Jacket and Journal Show.