A recent scholarly book. I extended the backdrop around the bricklayer to isolate the figure more - like an Irving Penn portrait.

We went in a different direction in the end but this was one of the initial sketches for this cover. It is a little stark for a trade book but I thought it was kind of fun.

Illustration for a cover I am working on about Gutenberg and the invention of the printing press. My intention was to have this letterform printed letterpress and photograph it for the final art.

What I really like about the final cover chosen for this non-fiction book is that it defies the clichés for the genre - open roads, big skies, dramatic scenery. I presented a couple of those as options, as you can see below, but in the end the choice was made to go for a more conceptual approach that gets to the heart of the story of an iron butt who rides his motorcycle non stop from Alaska to the Florida panhandle, averaging about 1500 miles a day. I wanted the cover to convey the obsessive nature of the quest, without necessarily showing the motorcycle. The author suggested having the odometer show the actual increases in mileage as day moved to night and back again.

This is a logo I am working on for a violin maker.