This one required a lot of tweaking to make sure people got the idea readily. One of the last 08 covers - what a year!

Opening Doors Wider

Edited by Sylvia Bashevkin

This is another one of those covers where the title drives the design.

Maisonneuve magazine

The Alcoholhic Monkeys of St. Kitts

I found this in my files when I was cleaning out my office. Maisonneuve is a Montreal based magazine - New Yorker with edge. It was kind of a dream job for a designer. I redesigned the entire magazine from front cover to back including the masthead. It is still going strong today. Check it out.

A Fragile Social Fabric?

Raymond Breton et al.

This cover must have taken an entire day to produce. I literally had to thread each of those needles in photoshop.

Psychotherapy as Religion

William Epstein

Culture and Consumption

Grant McCracken

Book cover as disposable piece of packaging.

Interview with Christopher Tobias

I just did an interview with Christopher Tobias that you can check out here. He is a very talented cover designer and you can check out his own covers here


White and Wilbert, editors

This cover plays off another cover I did recently. I find this happens quite frequently where cover solutions build and play off each other.

The Jugger

Richard Stark

Number 4 in this series. A jugger is a safecracker.

In the Shadow of the Giant

Joseph Contreras